The Team

Belinda Gray
The founder, CEO and a trustee of AFC, an ex-nursing sister and garden lecturer.

Nick Crocker
Head of sculpture, AFC trustee and interior design owner of Red House Textiles near Woodbridge.

Julia Scowsill
AFC sculpture curator, and manages our online auctions. Works as an image consultant and stylist away from AFC.

Amanda Deacon
AFC volunteers recruitment and exhibition planning since 2016 with a degree in History of Art.

Simon Turner
Assists with events planning and exhibition hanging for AFC whilst making ceramics and teaching Art & Design at a school in London.

Jacqui Mayne
AFC sculpture curator and fundraising committee member. Jacqui is also an active grandmother to 8 little girls.

Mandy Leeson
Assists with exhibition and events planning for AFC and leads our Art Army initiative. Owns homewares shop Vanil in Woodbridge.

Jean Blackwood-Pugh
Jean assists in the committee with AFC events planning whilst co-ordinating volunteers and our catering.

Sharon Chin
Generates Art Army activities and makes events decorations. Sharon is an ex Practice Nurse currently finishing an Art Foundation Diploma.

Suzy Clogg
Organises AFC events catering and assists with volunteers recruitment. Originally worked as a radiographer.

Lauren Vince
AFC designer and marketing support. Recent History of Art (MA) graduate at the University of York and freelance designer.
The Trustees

Alex Gray
Retired Chief Executive Officer of Clarksons Futures.

Ilyena Froud
Consultant radiologist at Suffolk Hospital Trust, Ipswich.

David Sutton
Retired banker.

Claire Burgess
Senior Accountant.